在我蒙恩教導和传讲卫理宗的神学过程中,其中一個最常被问,或提起的课题,就是卫斯理约翰所说,上帝在预设恩典(prevenient grace)里恢复人的自由意志到某个程度,让堕落的人类能选择,是不是要回应上帝救恩的召唤,这种理论有什麽圣经根据吗?
2017 3-in-1 Celebration | 三合一庆祝会
On 18th May 2017, MTS organized a 3-in-1 celebration for the celebration of Teachers' Day, Birthday and Gawai.
2017 Open Seminar | 公开研讨会
An Open Seminar: entitled "Orality Worship and Faith Listening Groups" conducted by Rev. Dr. Romerlito C. Macalimo come from South East Asia Regional Director of ION held on May 17, 2017.
2017 Visitor from USA Calfornia Nevada Annual Conference | 美国加州内华达州年会访客
美国加州内华达州年会访客,由Rev. Dr. Marks Bollwinkel和他太太Mrs. Elizabeth Bollwinkel于二零一七年五月八日前来拜访卫神。
Rev. Dr. Marks Bollwinkel and his wife Mrs. Elizabeth Bollwinkel from Calfornia Nevada Annual Conference, USA, visited us on May 8, 2017.
2017 Visitor from Miri Gospel Chapel | 美里福音堂访客
Brothers and sisters from Gospel Chapel, Miri, visited us on May 3, 2017.
2017 Interactive Forum II | 时代课题交流会 II
本院卫斯理研究中心于2017年4月27日,晚上7时15分假詩巫衛理公會錫安堂举办一個时代课题禱告兼交流会。当晚的主题为“反貪污--不可能的任務嗎?”,讲员为企業家Nehemiah Lee Chee Hai愽士,由卫神院长邱和平牧师翻译。
Wesley Centre of Research and Practical Theology of our school organized the Dialogue on Topic of the Times (Interaction on Contemporary Issue) at 7.15pm at Zion Methodist Church on 27th April 2017. The topic was “Anti-Corruption: Mission Impossible?”, by Brother Ling (former lay leader of CAC, from Kepong Methodist Church).
2017 STMS Graduation Service | 短宣结业礼
The Graduation Service for the 25th Batch of STMS Chinese, the 12th Batch of STMS Iban, 1st Batch of STMS BM and the 8th Batch of STMS Music was held at 3.00pm at Xin Fu Yuan Methodist Church on 31st March 2017 (Fri).
2017 卫斯理更新主日特稿
卫斯理更新主日崇拜 | 主题:卫理宗的传统与精神