STMS College: The Lord's Prayer
The 8th STMS College Choir presented The Lord's Prayer during their graduation service.
2013 Rev Dr Tsang Sik Wah | 曾锡华博士
On 18th September 2013, Rev Dr Patrick Tsang Sik Wah (middle), Associate Professor and Department Head of Intercultural Studies, Alliance Bible Seminary, visited us.
2013 Mr Ting Meng Hung | 陈孟训先生
2013年9月18日,Acer 的砂拉越区域经理陈孟训先生(中)前来拜访我们。
Acer Regional Manager of Sarawak Region, Mr Ting Meng Hung (middle), visited us on 18th September 2013.
2013 Rev Law Hui Seng | 刘会先牧师
From 9th to 13th September 2013, Rev Law Hui Seng was held teaching an Iban intensive course on Cross-Cultural Pastoral Care.
Yee Wen Chao is one students of the 2013 8th batch STMS College.
Yee Wen Chao's testimonial on his experience joining STMS.
2013 Prof Yamamoto Shin & Prof Miura Tetsuya Visits | 山本真教授拜访
2013 年9月2日,来自日本筑波大学的山本真教授(中)和来自日本育英短期大学的Miura Tetsuya教授(左)前来拜访我们。
On 2nd September 2013, Associate Professor Yamamoto Shin (middle) from University of Tsukuba and Associate Professor Miura Tetsuya (left) from Ikuei Junior College, Japan, visited us.
2013 8th STMS College Graduation Service | 第八届大专短宣结业礼
8th STMS College Graduation Service was held on 30th August 2013 at 3.00pm at Wesley Church.
2013 Dialogue on Topic of the Times | 时代课题交流会
Wesley Centre of Research and Practical Theology of our school organized the 2nd Dialogue on Topic of the Times (Interaction on Contemporary Issue) at 8.30pm on 29th August 2013. The topic of the night was "Do Apostles and Prophets Still Exist in This Age?".
2013 National Flag Raising Ceremony | 升国旗仪式
On 27th August 2013, MTS held a national flag raising ceremony at 7.45am. Malaysians sing the national anthem, while the National Flag was raised. Later the community prayed for the nation. Lastly, the community shouted 'Merdeka' three times.