2024 Budget | 财政预算

The total expenditure of MTS for year 2024, estimated to be about RM2,105,700. Please pray for God’s providence towards “MTS General Fund”. Pray that more brothers and sisters are willing to give and support MTS ministry financially. We welcome brothers and sisters to participate in the work of God. Please specify your offering as “MTS General Fund”.

Our Public Bank Account is 3-1422081-12.
You may also join in Friends of MTS.

Remarks: Please email your transaction record to accountclerk@mtssibu.edu.my. Thank you.


2024年卫神的总支出预算为RM2,105,700令吉。求上帝预备并感动更多以教会名义或个人名义参与奉献本院经常费的需要。我们欢迎各教会以及弟兄姐妹以金钱支持卫神事工,奉献请注明 “卫理神学院经常费” 。
