2007 2nd English STMS Student List Announced
Name |
Church |
陈恩怡 Jenny Chen Ern Yee |
Nyelong Park Methodist Church |
章文虹 Chiong Ung Hung |
Name |
Church |
陈恩怡 Jenny Chen Ern Yee |
Nyelong Park Methodist Church |
章文虹 Chiong Ung Hung |
1. 正月20 - 24日: SMU, Dallas 的 Dr. C. Michael Hawn 将在卫神主持礼拜与音乐研讨会。此活动公开给所有有兴趣的人。
2. 三月1 - 4日: 短宣队将在宣教醒觉周中到各牧区做宣教的事工。若有任何本地教会愿意与我们配合去接触你们的社区,请与我们联络。
3. 三月23日: 卫神之夜(诗巫)。这聚会是公开给所有人。
4. 七月27日: 卫神之夜(古晋)。这聚会是公开给所有人。
5. 四月29日及30日: 卫神诗班"Jubilate" 诗班巡回演唱(民丹莪与沐胶)。请当地会众踊跃参与。
6. 卫神讲师接受各堂会邀请担任整年的神学主日讲员。敬请联络我们的讲师以做安排。
7. 我们欢迎大家来参观神学院。请与我们联络以作安排。
姓名 | 堂会 |
詹欣柔 Chiam Shin Jou | 古晋教区晋福堂 |
蒋瑞琪 Chiong Swee Kee | 古晋教区晋光堂 |
蔡安妮 Annie Chua | 诗巫西教区救主堂 |
Tong Siaw Wei is one of the 2006 14th batch STMS Chinese students.
Tong Siaw Wei's testimonial during the STMS course on who is she in Christ.
Wong Hoe Ai is one of the 2006 14th batch STMS Chinese students.
Wong Hoe Ai's testimonial during the STMS course on who is she in Christ.
Ling Min Than is one of the 2006 14th batch STMS Chinese students.
Ling Min Than's testimonial during the STMS course on who is he in Christ.