2015 Yien Sung MC Visit | 仰郇堂拜访
The participants of the Youth Camp of Junior Methodist Youth Fellowship, Yien Sung Methodist Church, Sarikei, visited us on 12th June 2015, led by Rev Wong Lee Chiang.
The participants of the Youth Camp of Junior Methodist Youth Fellowship, Yien Sung Methodist Church, Sarikei, visited us on 12th June 2015, led by Rev Wong Lee Chiang.
The Methodist Adult Fellowship of Methodist Chinese Annual Conference, Malaysia, visited us on 8th June 2015.
Some brothers and sisters from Setiawan visited us on 18th April 2015.
Some brothers and sisters from Singapore visited us on 23rd January 2015.
MTS Alumni, Rev Adrian King Tzee Yang, and family visited MTS on 3rd December 2014.
Missionaries Xi Gui Bin and Yan Xiang Ju visited us on 2nd December 2014.
2014年11月28日,来自RBC Resource Centre Berhad 的中文教会事工总监黄怀亮牧师赠送一些书给卫神。
Rev Wong Wai Leong, Coordinator of Chinese Church Ministries, RBC Resource Centre Berhad, presented some books to MTS.