卢有伟: 我参加短宣的见证
Lu Yew Wei is one students of the 2007 15th batch of Chinese STMS.
Lu Yew Wei's testimonial on his experience joining STMS.
Lu Yew Wei is one students of the 2007 15th batch of Chinese STMS.
Lu Yew Wei's testimonial on his experience joining STMS.
从2007年4月9日至2007年4月13日的教牧硕士班课程: 冲突管理。
M. Min. Modular Course: Conflict Management from 9th April 2007 to 13th April 2007.
林忠诠先生, 卫神董事部主席, 是我们2007年4月10日早会的讲员。
Mr John Ling, MTS Board Chairman, was the speaker for 10th April 2007 Chapel.
Orsat Reysam is one of the 2007 2nd batch of Iban STMS students. His testimonial on his experience joining STMS.
Ngu Ming Cong is one students of the 2007 15th batch of Chinese STMS.
Ngu Ming Cong's testimonial on his experience joining STMS.