2007 Rev. Dr. Chung Song Mee | 钟湘湄博士
Rev. Dr. Chung Song Mee from Sabah Theological Seminary shared with us again on 3 April 2007 while she was here teaching one week of intensive course on Asian Church History. She taught Church History before in 2006.
2007 15th Batch of STMS Chinese & 2nd Batch of STMS Iban Graduation | 第15届华语短宣及第二届伊班语短宣结业礼
We had our 15th Batch of STMS Chinese & 2nd Batch of STMS Iban Graduation at Sibu Xin Fu Yuan Church at 3.00pm on 30th March 2007.
2007 卫神 Jubilate 诗班巡回: 明元堂
2007 诗巫卫神之夜 | MTS Night Sibu
The 2007 MTS Night Sibu has been held at Xin Fu Yuan Methodist Church on 23rd March 2007.
2007 Netball Match | 英式篮球比赛
We had netball matches between the male and female theological students and STMS students on 13th March 2007.
2007 院际篮球友谊赛
On 13th March 2007, an intervarsity basketball match between United College Sarawak, Methodist Pilley Institute and Methodist Theological School was held at MTS basketball court.
2007 卫理神学院神学先修班课程开始报名
宗旨: 预备有志献身念神学的新生熟读圣经,学习语言,吸取社会工作经验,使他們更成熟和有信心進入神学正科教育。
1. 申请者必须重生得救、清楚蒙召献身于耶稣基督及主的教会,作传福音的工作。
2. 申请者必须表明自己品行端正、身体健壮、克苦耐劳、口齿清晰、文笔通顺及愿意过团体生活。
3. 申请者必须有学历证书(至少SPM二等成绩)以证明其有足夠能力可以研读神学及吸收知识。
1. 申请者必须详细填写神学先修班入学申请表格学院的报名表格一份,同時要附寄:
2007 Bishop Rev Dr Hwa Yung | 华勇会督
Bishop Rev Dr Hwa Yung speaks on "Make Disciples of All Nations" during the Missions Awareness Week 2007 on 27th February 2007.