2011 Korea Visitors
On 6th August 2011, a group of brothers and sisters from Korea visited us.
2011 Australia Visitors | 澳洲访客
On 29th July 2011, pastors and church leaders of Australian Methodist Church visited us.
2011 6th Batch of STMS College Graduation | 第六届大专短宣结业礼
2011 6th Batch of STMS College Graduation has been held on 29th July 2011 at 3.00pm at Wesley Church.
Wendy Hii is one students of the 2011 19th batch STMS Chinese.
Wendy Hii's testimonial on her experience joining STMS.
2011 Thailand Visitors
On 15th July 2011, some members from The Church of Christ in Thailand visited us. They are Rev Dr Boonratna Boayen (third from right), Rev Dr Rung Rueengsan-Ajin (second from right) and Elder Chusak Wuthiwaropas (first from right). Rev Dr Boonratna Boayen was one of our alumni.
2011 Parents' Day & Birthday Celebration | 孝亲节和生日会庆祝
On 12th July 2011, MTS celebrated Parents' Day and Birthday.