2020 短宣学校开放报名!| STMS Courses OPEN for Registration!
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Mr Sunil Jacob Ram, Asia Regional Auditor of GBGM, USA, visited us on 8th September 2011.
The 5th Batch of STMS English Choir at their graduation service: How Beautiful
第五届英语短宣诗班于短宣结业礼: How Beautiful。
The 5th Batch of STMS English Choir at their graduation service: Let There be Praise
第五届英语短宣诗班于短宣结业礼: Let There be Praise。
Rev Joshua Khong Chee Leong from Trinity Annual Conference, with wife Ms Eileen Chan, daughters Ruth and Sarah from Wesley Methodist Church, Kuantan, visited us on 25th August 2011.
On 23rd August 2011, MTS held a national flag raising ceremony at 7.45am. The National Flag was raised by the President of the Student Body, sister Ling Yien, while the national anthem was sung. Later the Principal, Rev Dr Tie King Tai, prayed for the nation. Lastly, the community shouted 'Merdeka' three times.
Kevan Ngu is one students of the 2011 6th batch of STMS English. His testimonial on her experience joining STMS.
On 18th August 2011, Rev Ong Fook (third from right) from Gereja Kristen Grace Taman Bukit Maluri visited us.
On 12th August 2011, a group of sisters from Brunei visited us.