2012 Blood Donation Drive | 捐血运动
24th March 2012, the Student Body of MTS held the first blood donation drive of the year.
24th March 2012, the Student Body of MTS held the first blood donation drive of the year.
On 23rd March 2012, the committee members of the Youth Fellowship of Trinity Methodist Church, Kuching, visited us. They were led by Rev Wong Hie Ing.
Rev Daniel Han of Bupyeong Methodist Church, Korea, visited us from 21st to 23rd March 2012.
2012 诗巫献身营于3月17日早上8点于卫神礼拜堂进行。当天的分享者有江昌龙牧师、徐希忠牧师和李芯仪音乐干事。
2012 Sibu Dedication Camp was held on 17th March at 8.00am at MTS Chapel. Rev Kong Chong Ling, Rev Sii Hee Tiong and Music Director Karen Lee Shin Yi shared on that morning.
MTS held the MTS Night of this year on 16th March 2012 at 7.15pm at Masland Methodist Church. The theme this year is "Spirit-Empowered Dedication".
12th March 2012, Rev Ha Siew Hie led the committee members of Junior Methodist Youth Fellowship, Chin Fu Methodist Church, to visit us.
Rev Dr Hii Kong Hock was the invited lecturer for the M. Min. course, Preaching from the N.T..
Special presentation by the 7th Batch of STMS English at their graduation service.