2009 MTS Library Video
This video clip is about the collections of MTS library, and Wesley Centre of Research and Practical Theology.
2009 Fire Drill in MTS | 卫神火警演习
The Student Body of MTS arranged the Fire and Rescue Department of Sibu to help us with a fire drill on 17th July 2009 at 4.00pm. The representatives from the Fire and Rescue Department gave a talk on some important knowledge and taught us how to use the fire extinguisher.
2009 New Hostels Construction Progress | 新宿舍建设过程
2009 2nd Semester Opening Service | 第二学期开学礼
2009 2nd Semester Opening Service was held at 9.00am at MTS Chapel on 15th June 2009.
2009 Admin Block Floor Cleaning | 清洗行政楼底楼
On 9th - 11th June 2009, we have arranged to have the ground floor of the Admin Building cleaned.
吴哲仙: 我为何加入卫神?
Goh Teck Sien is our first year missiological student in 2009.
Goh Teck Sien's testimonial on why she joined MTS.
2009 Work of Mercy
于2009年5月25日,卫神的怜悯之工帮助 Bonnie Sedau 牧师及家人面对火灾后的赈灾工作。
On 25th May 2009, MTS Work of Mercy was extended to Rev Bonnie Sedau and family for the restoration work after a fire.