吴伟傧: 我参加短宣的见证
Thomas Ngu Wei Bing is one students of the 2009 17th batch STMS Chinese.
Thomas Ngu Wei Bing's testimonial on his experience joining STMS.
2009 17th STMS Chinese & 4th STMS Iban Graduation Service
2009年第17届华语短宣及第4届伊班语短宣结业礼于2009年3月27日 3.00pm 假卫斯理堂进行。
2009 17th STMS Chinese & 4th STMS Iban Graduation Service was held on 27th March 2009 at 3.00pm at Wesley Church.
2009 第四届大专短宣学校学员公布
姓名 | 教会 |
周素菁Chiew Shu Ching, Christine | 主恩堂(母堂: 诗巫西教区恩道堂) |
蒋瑞琪Chiong Swee Kee | 主恩堂(母堂: 古晋教区晋光堂) |
邱丽香Kiu Leh Hiong, Christina | 三马拉汉卫理中心(母堂: 诗巫东教区天恩堂) |
邱欣平Kiu Ping Ping | 槟城世纪花园卫理公会(母堂: 民丹莪教区明元堂) |
江美琪Kong Mei Chee | 三马拉汉卫理中心(母堂: 诗巫SIB生命堂) |
李采苹Lee Chai Ping, Anne | 主恩堂(母堂: 诗巫东教区锡安堂) |
林振典Ling Zing Tieng |
Dominic Bangga ak Edward: My Testimonial on STMS
Dominic Bangga ak Edward is one of the 2009 4th batch of Iban STMS students. His testimonial on his experience joining STMS.
2009 17th STMS Chinese Group Photos | 第17届华语短宣合照
2009 第17届华语短宣的合照。
2009 The group photos of the 17th STMS Chinese.
2009 Contract Signing Ceremony for MTS New Hostel Buildings
The Contract Signing Ceremony for MTS New Hostel Buildings was held on 25th March 2009 at 9.30am in MTS Chapel. The representatives for MTS were Rev Dr Su Chii Ann (MTS Board Chairman), Rev Steward Damat (MTS Board Vice-Chairman) and Mr John Ting Siik Kang (MTS Building Committee Chairman). The contractor is Wong Kah Teck & Sons Construction Sdn Bhd.