MTS Choir: Bear the Weight of the Cross
The MTS Choir at the 4th Batch of STMS English graduation service: Bear the Weight of the Cross
卫神诗班于第四届英语短宣结业礼: Bear the Weight of the Cross。
The MTS Choir at the 4th Batch of STMS English graduation service: Bear the Weight of the Cross
卫神诗班于第四届英语短宣结业礼: Bear the Weight of the Cross。
The 4th Batch of STMS English Choir at their graduation service: Make Me a Channel of Your Peace
第四届英语短宣诗班于短宣结业礼: Make Me a Channel of Your Peace。
The 4th Batch of STMS English Choir at their graduation service: We Come Rejoicing
第四届英语短宣诗班于短宣结业礼: We Come Rejoicing。
Phang Mee Hung is one students of the 2009 4th batch of STMS English. Her testimonial on her experience joining STMS.
2009 4th Batch of STMS English Graduation was held on 17th February at 3.00pm at Wesley Methodist Church.
大约20位砂劳越华人年议会传道人代表卫神华文部的毕业生 ('98-'08) 于2009年2月2日(农历正月初八)前来华人农历新年拜访。他们宴请讲师和学生们当晚的晚餐。他们也送学院、讲师(与受教育的子女)、员工和学生们红包。卫神的社体很珍惜这些校友爱心和慷慨的行动。他们把祝福带给别人的行动给与卫神的社体一个前所未有及美好的榜样。愿神大大地赐福他们。
MTS organized the 1st blood donation campaign for 2009 on 22nd January 2009 afternoon.