2008 Community Basketball Match | 社区篮球比赛
2008 社区篮球比赛的闭幕仪式已于2008年5月9日进行。
The closing ceremony for the 2008 Community Basketball Match was held on 9th May 2008.
2008 社区篮球比赛的闭幕仪式已于2008年5月9日进行。
The closing ceremony for the 2008 Community Basketball Match was held on 9th May 2008.
Rev Tiong Chung Tiing was our chapel speaker on 6th May 2008. He is also one of our STMS College teachers.
曾经于卫斯理堂及卫神事奉过的宣教士,Geoffrey Senior 牧师和师母 Amy,于2008年5月2日来拜访我们,并于早会中和我们分享。其中的惊喜就是当我们的院牧,张超英牧师,认出他们曾经教过她。
Rev. Geoffrey & Mrs Amy Senior, missionaries who served in Wesley Methodist Church and MTS before, visited us on 2nd May 2008 and shared during chapel. It was a nice surprise when our chaplain, Rev Tiong Chiw Ing, recognized them as her teacher in MTS.
Rev Wong Ngiik Hung was our chapel speaker on 30th April 2008. She is also one of our Practical Divinity teachers.
On 30th April 2008, some missionaries who used to serve in Wesley Methodist Church and MTS visited us.
The Student Body of MTS organized the 2nd blood donation drive of this year on 19th April 2008.
Pastor Yeo Hung Eng was our chapel speaker on 16th April 2008. She is also one of our Chinese STMS teachers.
Pastor Debbie Yet Yung Choo shared with us during the chapel on 4th April 2008.
Pastor Kong Kim Soon shared with us during the chapel on 2nd April 2008.
卫理神学院已于2008年3月29日 (六)7.15pm假诗巫董联会礼主办《基督教与佛教的对话: 救恩的途径及其终极目的》。佛教的代表为谭文信居士,基督教的代表为梁燕城博士。当中有博士、牧师、传道、居士、老师、基督徒和佛教徒彼此共聚一堂,为促进了解及探讨真理。当晚的对话过程也经由飞鸽传播录制成DVD。