This is one of the projects of the students of the Theology of Worship class, Love the Earth, Eliminate Rubbish.
This is one of the projects of the students of the Theology of Worship class, Love the Earth, Eliminate Rubbish.
This is one of the projects of the students of the Theology of Worship class, Love the Earth.
MTS celebrated the 2008 Parents' Day & Birthday Celebration on 10th July 2008.
Dr Mark Yarbrough 是达拉斯神学院前来拜访我们的三位代表之一。他于2008年7月8日早会中分享。
Dr Mark Yarbrough preached in the chapel on 8th July 2008. He was one of the three representatives visiting us from Dallas Theological Seminary.
达拉斯神学院的三个代表于2008年7月8日拜访我们。他们是 Mr Robert Riggs (Executive Assistant to the President), Dr Mark Yarbrough (Executive Director of Communications) 和 Dr Samuel Chia。他们主要的目的是来拜访我们并介绍达拉斯神学在中文社体中的事工。Dr Mark Yarbrough 也教导了一堂旧约导论II 和在早会中分享。Dr Samuel Chia 教导了一堂新约导论II。
Pastor Peter Tie Lok Hung shared with us on 3 July 2008 while he was here teaching an intensive course on Systematic Theology II.
In conjunction with the MTS Night Bintulu held on 28th June 2008, MTS organized a dedication camp at Emmanuel Methodist Church at 2.00pm on 29th June 2008 (Sun).
2008 民都鲁卫神之夜已于2008年6月28日(六)7.30pm假恩光堂进行。一些相片可以看
2008 MTS Night Bintulu was held at Eng Kwang Methodist Church at 7.30pm on 28th June 2008 (Sat).