Post date: Fri, 07/06/2024 - 10:55am

MTS Alumni Association 2024-2025 Executive Committee



  1. 推动联系与支持诗巫卫理神学院
  2. 促进会员之间的团契与联系


2024年3月22日,卫理神学院校友会在富雅各宣教楼Hall C成功举办了2024年会员大会暨执行委员会改选,约50位卫神会员积极出席。卫理神学院院长邱和平牧师(博士)受邀出席并在大会上对卫理神学院校友会提出指导。本次会员大会由主席刘向平牧师主持。刘向平牧师向会员通报了上一年度的工作报告和财政报告,并做了总结。





The 2024 Methodist Theological School (MTS) Alumni Association General Meeting and Executive Committee Re-Election were successfully held.

Our objectives:

  1. Promote connections and support for Methodist Theological School, Sibu.

  2. Foster fellowship and networking among the members.


On March 22, 2024, approximately 50 MTS alumni actively attended the meeting held at Hall C of the Hoover Mission House. Rev. Dr. Khoo Ho Peng, Principal of MTS, was invited to attend and provide guidance to the alumni association. The meeting was chaired by Rev. Lau Kiong Ping, the chairman of the alumni association, who also presented the work report and the financial report of the previous year, followed by concluding remarks.

Subsequently, all members participated in the re-election of the new Executive Committee through public voting. The election results are as follows:


Methodist Theological School Alumni Association 2024-2025 Executive Committee:

Advisor: Rev. Dr. Khoo Ho Peng (Principal)
Chairperson: Rev. Jonathan Lau Puong Fuang
Secretary: Rev. Nickie Goh Teck Vei
Treasurer: Ps. Ling Hang Yew
Internal Auditor: Ps. Yong Leong Chai
Committee Members: Rev. Tan Chung Kiat, Rev. Oliver, Rev. Jatan


The meeting concluded successfully, and appreciation was extended to all members for their participation and support. We look forward to the new Executive Committee continuing to promote the development and growth of the alumni association in the future.

