Post date: Thu, 23/05/2013 - 8:44am
一些来自印尼卫理公会的牧者和印尼卫理神学院的讲师于2013年5月20日至23日前来拜访我们。他们和我们的一些讲师进行了一场对话,并赠送我们一些由他们讲师 (Dr. Risna Sinulingga and Dr. Robert Tobing) 自己所出版的书。
Some pastors from the Methodist Church of Indonesia and faculty from Methodist Theological School, Bandar Baru Sibolangit, Indonesia, visited us from 20th May to 23rd May 2013. They had a dialogue with some of our faculty members, and presented us with some books published by their faculty members (Dr. Risna Sinulingga and Dr. Robert Tobing).