Post date: Wed, 07/01/2015 - 9:52am
卫神第六届毕业音乐会于2015年正月6日3.00pm 于卫神礼堂进行。呈献的同学为王芬妮。
MTS 6th Graduation Recital was held at 3.00pm at MTS Chapel on 6th January 2015. The performing student is Wong Feng Nee.
卫神第六届毕业音乐会于2015年正月6日3.00pm 于卫神礼堂进行。呈献的同学为王芬妮。
MTS 6th Graduation Recital was held at 3.00pm at MTS Chapel on 6th January 2015. The performing student is Wong Feng Nee.