2017 12th Batch of STMS English Graduation | 第12届英文短宣结业礼
12th Batch of STMS English Graduation was held on 3rd March 2017 at 3.00pm at Wesley Methodist Church.
And we proclaim Him, admonishing every man and teaching every man with all wisdom, that we may present every man complete in Christ. And for this purpose also I labor, striving according to His power, which mightily works within me. (Colossians 1:28-29)
我们传扬祂,是用诸般的智慧,劝戒各人,教导各人,要把各人在基督里完完全全的引到神面前。我也为此劳苦,照着祂在我里面运用的大能,尽心竭力。 (歌罗西书 1:28-29)
Nya alai kami nusui pasal Kristus ngagai semua mensia. Kami ngelalau sereta ngajar genap iku orang, ngena semua penemu ti dalam, ngambika ulih mai genap iku orang ngagai Allah Taala lalu tau cukup mansang besaum enggau Kristus. Ngambika utai nya dikerja, aku gawa enggau bendar, ngena pengering enggau kuasa ti datai ari Kristus, ti endang bisi dalam aku. (Kolosi 1:28-29)
Spirit-empowered training for God's people to be Christ-like leaders and servants in proclaiming Christ as ministers, missionaries, musicians, and laity, to the glory of God.
By being a holistic training centre to serve the Church and the world.
12th Batch of STMS English Graduation was held on 3rd March 2017 at 3.00pm at Wesley Methodist Church.
(此文章原为教会历史科的学期文章,呈报于 2012 年 10 月 11 日)
Published by Wesley Centre of Research and Practical Theology, Methodist Theological School, Sibu, Malaysia (http://www.mtssibu.edu.my/). Address: 51, Jalan Tun Abang Haji Openg, 96000 Sibu. Tel: 6-084-321409.
Director of Wesley Centre: Rev. Thomas Lau刘世尧牧师 (wesleycentre@mtssibu.edu.my)
本院卫斯理研究中心于二零一七年二月九号 8.30pm于卫国礼堂举办了交流会。当晚的主题为“伊班“Miring”,是文化还是宗教?”,由伊丽莎白·莎朗牧师主讲。
Wesley Centre of Research and Practical Theology of our school organized the Interaction Forum I at 8.30pm at Wei Kuok Hall on 09th February 2017. The topic of the night was “Iban miring, culture or religion?". The theme speaker was Rev. Elizabeth Enjut (MTS’s lecturer, SIAC’s elder).
2位来自砂劳越伊斯兰信息中心,CEO,Puan Zabariah Haji Matali 和 Head Programme Management Division,Tuan Muhamad Zakaria Bin Haji Ashmat 前来拜访以及问候我们卫神于二零一七年二月十七日。
CEO, Puan Zabariah Haji Matali and Head Programme Management Division, Tuan Muhamad Zakaria Bin Haji Ashmat from Islamic Information Centre come to visit and greetings MTS on February 17, 2017.
The Spirit of Methodism: A Thankful Heart<
Rev. Thomas Lau Sie Ngiu
MTS community was invited to a Chinese New Year Celebration Dinner by some members from Cheng Uong Methodist Church, Sibu, on 23th January 2017 at Sibu Kingwood Hotel.