2012 Kuantan Methodist Church Visitors | 关丹卫理公会访客
On 15th August 2012, brothers and sisters from the Senior Citizen Fellowship of Kuantan Methodist Church visited us.
On 15th August 2012, brothers and sisters from the Senior Citizen Fellowship of Kuantan Methodist Church visited us.
于2012年8月9日,印尼雅加达以马内利堂的弟兄姐妹在 Bachtiar 主任牧师带领之下前来拜访我们。
On 9th August 2012, brothers and sisters from Imanuel Methodist Church, Jakarta, Indonesia, visited us. Bishop Bachtiar, Senior Pastor of the church, led the team.
来自美国芝加哥的 Herb Ireland 牧师(右二)和 Daryl Ireland 牧师(左一)于2012年7月30日前来拜访我们。Herb Ireland 牧师是曾在拿撒勒人教会服事 35 年。他的儿子 Daryl Ireland 牧师目前在波斯顿大学进修博士学位课程。
On 30th July 2012, Rev Herb Ireland (second from right) and Rev Daryl Ireland (first from left) from Chicago, United States, visited us. Rev Herb Ireland was a pastor for the Church of the Nazarene for 35 years. His son, Rev Daryl Ireland, currently is undergoing his doctorate studies at Boston University.
2012年6月15日,前柬埔寨卫理圣经学校的校长 Svay Yonthearoath 牧师(右二)和美国联合卫理公会海外宣教部亚太区宣教关系的执行秘书 Rebecca C. Asedillo 女士(左二)前来拜访我们。
On 15th June 2012, Rev Svay Yonthearoath (second from right), former principal of Cambodian Methodist Bible School, and Ms Rebecca C. Asedillo (second from left), Executive Secretary of General Board of Global Ministries of The United Methodist Church, visited us.
On 13th June 2012, Dr Yeo Khiok Khng (middle) from Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary visited us. Dr Yeo was our visiting lecturer before.
On 8th June 2012, some brothers and sisters from Mega Methodist Church, Petaling Jaya, visited us.
2012年6月5日,几位来自巴布亚新几内亚天恩堂的弟兄姐妹前来拜访我们。他们包括蔡添福秘书和唐秀丽传道伉俪(左一和二)、许培新和陈春瑛伉俪(右三和四)和Jacky Loh伉俪(右一和二)。
On 5th June 2012, a few brothers and sisters from Papua New Guinea visited us. They included Mr and Mrs Frank Tsay (first and second from left), Mr 许培新 and Madam Jojo Chen (third and fourth from right), Mr and Mrs Jacky Loh Kiong Thai (first and second from right).