2012 纽西兰访客 | New Zealand Visitors
On 18th January 2012, Pastor and Mrs Peter Chung, Mr and Mrs 陈国祥 (Auckland Chinese Methodist Church) and Brother James Mo from New Zealand visited us.
On 18th January 2012, Pastor and Mrs Peter Chung, Mr and Mrs 陈国祥 (Auckland Chinese Methodist Church) and Brother James Mo from New Zealand visited us.
MTS Ex-Principal, Dr Liong Yuk Chong, and family was back for a visit on 17th January 2011. He also preached during the chapel that morning. Dr Liong now serves in the Chinese Department of Melbourne School of Theology, Australia.
于2012年1月19日,印尼教会的一些领袖们前来拜访我们并和我们有一个交流会。他们包括 Darwis Manurung 会督夫妇(左四和左五)、Kristi Wilson Sinurat 牧师夫妇(右一和右二)、神学院院长Putro Saptanio 牧师(左一)、吴大卫牧师夫妇(华人宣教教区教区长)(右三和右四)和冯达章弟兄(华教区差传组主席)(左二)。
On 6th December 2011, a group of visitors from Fujian Christian Council, China visited us.
A group of visitors from Cambodia visited us on 19th November 2011 under the leadership of Rev Jessica Tiong.
国际真爱家庭协会的 叶高芳博士于2011年9月20日前来拜访我们。
Dr Josh Yeh from Family Keeprs International visited us on 20th September 2011.
Mr Sunil Jacob Ram, Asia Regional Auditor of GBGM, USA, visited us on 8th September 2011.