2010 Life Game Dedicators | Life Game 献身者
于2010年4月3日,一群Life Game 献身者在邱智祥牧师的带领下前来拜访我们。
On 3rd April 2010, a group of Life Game dedicators, led by Rev Kiew Tie Siong visited us.
于2010年4月3日,一群Life Game 献身者在邱智祥牧师的带领下前来拜访我们。
On 3rd April 2010, a group of Life Game dedicators, led by Rev Kiew Tie Siong visited us.
Mr Andre and Mrs Cathy de Winne of Wesley Methodist Church, Singapore, visited us on 30th March 2010.
On 27th March 2010, Masland Methodist Church Methodist Youth Fellowship 45th Anniversary Reunion Group visited us.
Rev David Kunshek Lew, Rev 王东 and Mr Aaron Ma of Asia Bible Society of Holman Bible Publishers visited MTS on 11th March 2010 to held a seminar on Chinese Standard Bible.
Su Fes Sdn Bhd has donated RM5000.00 worth of books to our library. Su Fes Executive Director, Rev Wong Kheang Wook, handed over the token to our Principal on 18th January 2010.
Rev Dr Chris Chia and Mona Lee Chia, Centre Directors of Adam Road Presbyterian Centre (ARPC), Singapore, visited us on 19th December 2009.
Rev Ng Khoon Seng of Chinese Methodist Church, Singapore, visited us on 11th December 2009.