2008 芦恩堂青少团拜访
The youths of Julau Methodist Church visited us on 20th August 2008, led by Pastor Chiew Soon Hwang.
The youths of Julau Methodist Church visited us on 20th August 2008, led by Pastor Chiew Soon Hwang.
达拉斯神学院的三个代表于2008年7月8日拜访我们。他们是 Mr Robert Riggs (Executive Assistant to the President), Dr Mark Yarbrough (Executive Director of Communications) 和 Dr Samuel Chia。他们主要的目的是来拜访我们并介绍达拉斯神学在中文社体中的事工。Dr Mark Yarbrough 也教导了一堂旧约导论II 和在早会中分享。Dr Samuel Chia 教导了一堂新约导论II。
曾经于卫斯理堂及卫神事奉过的宣教士,Geoffrey Senior 牧师和师母 Amy,于2008年5月2日来拜访我们,并于早会中和我们分享。其中的惊喜就是当我们的院牧,张超英牧师,认出他们曾经教过她。
Rev. Geoffrey & Mrs Amy Senior, missionaries who served in Wesley Methodist Church and MTS before, visited us on 2nd May 2008 and shared during chapel. It was a nice surprise when our chaplain, Rev Tiong Chiw Ing, recognized them as her teacher in MTS.
On 30th April 2008, some missionaries who used to serve in Wesley Methodist Church and MTS visited us.
Four students from Methodist Graduate School of Theology, Taipei, visited us on 31st January 2008.
民都鲁教区长,许广静牧师,带领 Ram 弟兄来拜访卫理神学院。 Ram 弟兄如今是新加坡三一神学院的学生。他即将回去尼泊尔加德满都的 Nepal Ebenezer Bible College (NEBC) 教学。
Rev Hii Kong Ching, Bintulu District District Superintendent, brought Brother Ram to visit MTS. He is a student at Trinity Theological College, Singapore, now and shall go back to Nepal to teach in Nepal Ebenezer Bible College (NEBC), Kathmandu, Nepal.