Tan Bee Hua is one students of the 2015 23rd batch STMS Chinese.
Tan Bee Hua's testimonial on her experience joining STMS.
Stephanie Ensiring Anak John: My Testimonial on STMS
Stephanie Ensiring Anak John is one of the 2015 10th batch of Iban STMS students. Her testimonial on her experience joining STMS.
2015 Setiawan Visitors | 实兆远访客
Some brothers and sisters from Setiawan visited us on 18th April 2015.
Andrist Chiew Yong Haw is one students of the 2015 6th batch STMS Music.
Andrist Chiew Yong Haw's testimonial on his experience joining STMS.
STMS Choir: 基督的爱
The 6th Batch of STMS Music Choir at their graduation service: 基督的爱
第6届音乐短宣诗班于短宣结业礼: 基督的爱。
STMS Choir: 依靠主
The 23rd Batch of STMS Chinese Choir at their graduation service:依靠主
第23届华语短宣诗班于短宣结业礼: 依靠主。
2015 STMS Graduation Service | 短宣结业礼
The Graduation Service for the 23rd Batch of STMS Chinese, the 10th Batch of STMS Iban and the 6th Batch of STMS Music was held at 3.00pm at Wei Kuok Hall on 27th March 2015 (Fri).
2015 Rev Dr Yeh Kao Fang | 叶高芳博士
Rev Dr Yeh Kao Fang taught an intensive course on Family & Lifecycle for the Family Ministry program from 23rd to 27th March 2015.
2015 Dedication Camp Sibu | 诗巫献身营
Dedication Camp Sibu 2015 was held at 8:00am at Wesley Methodist Church on 21st March 2015.