2015 诗巫卫神之夜 | MTS Night Sibu
MTS Night Sibu 2015 was held at 7:15pm at Xin Fu Yuan Methodist Church on 20th March 2015.
MTS Night Sibu 2015 was held at 7:15pm at Xin Fu Yuan Methodist Church on 20th March 2015.
The 10th Batch of STMS English Choir at their graduation service: Calvary's Love
第十届英语短宣诗班于短宣结业礼: Calvary's Love。
Cynthia Ung Leh Teen was one students of the 2015 10th batch of STMS English. This was her testimonial during the STMS English Graduation Service.
Rev Thomas Lau is teaching M. Min. class from 9th to 13th March 2015 on History and Theology of the Methodist Church.
The graduation service of 10th STMS English was held at 2:00pm at Wesley Methodist Church on 6th March 2015.
1。职位:行政管理员(Administrative Officer)
a) 工作范围包括:管理学院基本设施、部分员工、学生伙食等
2。职位:图书馆主任助理 (Library Director’s Assistant)
a) 对图书馆运作有兴趣者,并愿意长期委身
b) 工作范围包括:资料输入、编书、协助处理行政等事务
MTS community was invited to a Chinese New Year Celebration Dinner by some members from Cheng Uong Methodist Church, Sibu, on 25th February 2015 at Methodist Pilley Institute Canteen.
MTS organized Missions Awareness Week for this year from the night of 23rd February to 2nd March 2015.