2010 Four-in-One Celebration | 四合一庆祝会
On 26th May 2010, MTS organized a 4-in-1 celebration for the celebration of Teachers' Day, Birthday and Gawai, and the closing ceremony of the community basketball match.
Henry Raymond: My Testimonial on STMS
Henry Raymond is one of the 2010 5th batch of Iban STMS students. His testimonial on his experience joining STMS.
STMS Choir: Ceaseless Praise
The 18th Batch of STMS Chinese Choir at their graduation service: Ceaseless Praise
第18届华语短宣诗班于短宣结业礼: Ceaseless Praise。
MTS Choir: On Eagle's Wings
卫神诗班于2010年第五届英语短宣结业礼: On Eagle's Wings
The MTS Choir at 2010 5th STMS English Graduation Service: On Eagle's Wings
2010 Dr Tan Kim Sai | 陈金狮博士
Dr Tan Kim Sai from Malaysia Bible Seminary taught an intensive course on Islam from 26th April to 30th April 2010.
2010 主日礼拜的摆设讲座会
由卫理公会砂拉越华人年议会崇拜与音乐部和卫理神学院联办的礼拜/礼仪/音乐讲座会的第二讲《主日礼拜的摆设讲座会》已经于2010年4月12日7.15pm于卫理神学院礼拜堂进行。讲员为江昌龙牧师 。
The 2nd seminar of the Worship and Music Seminars co-organized by SCAC Board of Worship & Music and Methodist Theological School was held at 7.15pm at MTS Chapel on 12th April 2010. The speaker was Rev Kong Chong Ling.
2010 Mdm Lau | 刘老师
The MTS Student Body organized a Korean Culture and Language Seminar on 14th April 2010 at 3.00pm. The speaker was Mdm Lau. The translator was President Lau Ong Heng.