2010 哥打京那峇魯卫神之夜
于2010年4月3日,一群Life Game 献身者在邱智祥牧师的带领下前来拜访我们。
On 3rd April 2010, a group of Life Game dedicators, led by Rev Kiew Tie Siong visited us.
Mr Andre and Mrs Cathy de Winne of Wesley Methodist Church, Singapore, visited us on 30th March 2010.
姓名 | 教会 |
陈会光Chan Hui Kwong, David | 沙巴主恩堂(母堂: 泗里街教区广恩堂) |
周秀燕Chiew Siew Yieng | 三马拉汉卫理中心(母堂: 诗巫东教区卫斯理堂) |
许梦菱Hii Mon Lin | 古晋晋福堂(母堂: 美里教区林光堂) |
许佩仪Hii Pei Yee, Phyllisia | 三马拉汉卫理中心(母堂: 马鲁帝基督教会福音堂) |
官初霖Kon Chu Lin, Iris | 三马拉汉卫理中心(母堂: 诗巫东教区锡安堂) |
On 27th March 2010, Masland Methodist Church Methodist Youth Fellowship 45th Anniversary Reunion Group visited us.
18th Batch of STMS Chinese, 5th Batch of STMS Iban and 1st Batch of STMS Music Graduation Service was held at 3.00pm on 26th March 2010 at Wei Kuok Hall.
2010 诗巫献身营已于2010年3月20日8.00am于卫神礼拜堂进行。
2010 Dedication Camp Sibu has been held on 20th March 2010 at 8.00am at MTS Chapel.